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January 11th Weekly News!

I hope you are all staying warm as the week has become colder and colder! We were still able to enjoy some fresh air and play outside. Please remember that students should have a change of shoes if they wear boots to school so that they are not wearing boots all day long. Please pack another pair of shoes (sneakers are an especially good choice!) and we will help them change for recess.

This week we practiced rhyming and reading words in the "-at" word family! Students will be bringing home a sort they completed today where they matched pictures and words, and you can encourage them to read it to you!

In math we are continuing our work of measuring and comparing lengths. Students worked with Mrs. Morse on their measurement packets using cubes and popsicle sticks to measure objects and write about their math thinking! With me, students used cubes and picture boards to show number stories. An example is: "There were 3 owls in the tree and 4 more flew over. How many owls in the tree?" or "There were 7 bumble-bees on the flower but 2 flew away, how many were left?" Students were able to represent these stories with cubes and then write the number sentences: "3 + 4 = 7" and "7 - 2 = 5." I was so impressed! You can tell them stories like this using numbers within 10 at home, in the car or during dinner conversation! What a great way to bring math into your every day life!

Next week on Monday the 14th we will have a visit from Firefighter Todd who will teach us about fire safety. Happy Friday, and if you're football fans, have a fabluous football weekend!

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