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Week 11 News

Happy First Snow!

It was an exciting day in kindergarten today with the first snowfall of the season! Nothing matches that thrill and wonderment of five and six year olds being excited about the snow.

Speaking of snow- it's time to start sending in winter gear! Thank you to those of you who sent in snow gear today. When it snows, we still enjoy outdoor recess unless the weather is too cold or too wet. Children who are wearing boots, snow pants, coats, gloves, etc. can plan in the snow. Children who are not wearing boots and snow pants (for example, just sneakers) can play on the hard top that has been plowed. As you might imagine, the latter type of play is not as exciting as running and jumping in snow piles! Please be sure to send your child to school each day with snow gear. If you have two sets of boots and snow pants at home, you can feel free to have your student leave their gear at school each week night and take it home on the weekend. If you have one set of boots and snow pants, your child can bring them back and forth to school each day. Both options are great! Please continue to send a pair of sneakers with your child to change in and out of so they are not wearing their boots all day. Let me know if you have questions about these guidelines for outdoor recess in the snow.

With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, a letter was sent home in folders yesterday asking you to let Mrs. Morse and me know how your child is going home on the half day, Wed. Nov. 21, 2018. It is a NOON DISMISSAL that day, and there is NO BASE. Also, please indicate if you child will not be at school at all on that day.

As for how our week went- we have started a new unit in math about comparing numbers. We learned about "greater than" (>), "less than" (<) and "equal to" (=). Students played a game called Top It, and we also did some number writing practice. In literacy we practiced handwriting and read a little sight word book called Fall. It will be added to our writing binders in a new poetry section. Students also wrote weekend news and were challenged to write two whole sentences! Finally, as you saw in my email earlier this week, the students did a wonderful job with our Open Circle lesson and training for ALICE protocol. If you missed it, there is a blog post about it as well! Next week we will be continuing practice of all the letters we have learned thus far, and following Thanksgiving we will be learning the letters "v" (van) and "w" (wind).

I hope you all have a restful weekend!

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