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Week Ten News

What an amazing first week of November! This week your children were fabulously flexible at transitioning between teachers. Ms. Murray and I worked closely together throughout the week after co-teaching on Monday and Tuesday to make the transition as smooth as possible. Mrs. Morse has been a constant presence in our classroom, and the children are following all the same routines and practices they have done since September with Mrs. Murray. I am proud of you students!

The week started off with a wonderful Veteran's Day assembly on Monday. This monthly assembly is also an opportunity to sing to all our Claypit Hill family members who have November birthdays. In literacy this week we learned two new letters: "j" and "p." Next week we will be learning about the letters "h," "l" and "k." Students worked on weekend news and also wrote their favorite thing about fall. In math we practiced sorting buttons, keys, attribute blocks and even leaves! In science this week we went outside to draw our observations of the beautiful red tree near the kindergarten playground. After collecting ten leaves each, we read Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert and created leaf people and animals.

Next week we have hearing and vision screening on Tuesday from 1:30-2:00pm and we will be having a conversation about an upcoming ALICE drill on Wednesday. I will send more information your way next week about ALICE and our conversation. We will be starting a new math unit on comparing numbers and Friday is the fifth grade rocket launch!

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable long weekend. Thank you to all members of the armed forces for your duty and service as we celebrate you this Veteran's Day!

~Mrs. Golden

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