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Week Nine News

Happy November! We cannot believe how quickly time has passed. Students worked on the letters “e” and “r” this week. "E" can be a challenging sound to recognize, but the students worked hard to identify it in words. We have also been learning and recognizing the color words. The students have been doing color by number activities, working to identify the color words first and then coloring the picture. Many of the students are now able to recognize most of the color words by reading them! It has been exciting to see their progress. We have been doing a lot of group reading to practice pointing to words and sounding them out. These are great strategies for students to continue to practice.

In math we finished up our month of sorting with a button activity. This was great for students because it provided them with the opportunity to explore sorting things using one attribute or doing a more advanced sort using multiple attributes.

Mrs. Golden will be starting on Monday, November 5th! We are all so excited for her return. We will be having two overlap days next week to help ease the transition from one teacher to the next. I will also be around the school daily, so please know that I am always available with any questions or concerns you may have. I have truly enjoyed getting to know the children and their families. Thank you for all your support during the year.

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