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Week Eight News

This week our focus was on the letters “d” and “s”. Students practiced the lowercase formations of these letters and finding words that start with each letter sound. We also spent a lot of time reviewing the proper handwriting and sound for all the letters we have learned so far. Kindergarteners have made so much improvement with their letter skills this year!

In math we have been doing different sorting activities. We sorted different shapes and discussed how there are different ways to sort. Students were very thoughtful with how they were choosing to sort their items. Some other items like shells, keys, buttons and blocks were sorted as well. We applied some of their sorting knowledge to organizing information in simple graphs. The students have picked up on these new skills very quickly!

Mrs. Kaplan did an activity on body “engines” this week. She talked about how everyone’s body can run at a high, just right or low level. She discussed various times a person may feel these levels and had the students make an engine meter to use in next week’s activity. We made sure students understood that all levels are alright to feel at different times and we discussed different ways to help our body get back to a “just right” level after being high or low. This was a great activity and helped the students become more aware of how they are feeling throughout the day.

In Open Circle this week we talked about body language and how it can tell others how you are feeling. Students were very perceptive of other’s body language already and shared some great examples of times they observed how someone was feeling.

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