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Week Seven News

Our letters this week were “a” and “g”. These lower case letters were more challenging for students to write, but they were able use their knowledge of writing “c” and “o” to help them practice the beginning formation of the letters. The students have been improving their writing tremendously. I hope you have noticed some improvement in their work that comes home. We have started doing some initial sound sorting activities to help reinforce letter identification and letter sound knowledge as well.

This week Mrs. Kaplan reinforced proper pencil grip reminding students about the working fingers and sleeping fingers. She shared some “how to draw” activities to help the students practice their drawing and pencil grasp. This was a lot of fun and the students enjoyed following the menu of steps for drawing various pictures.

This week we focused on the concepts “one more” and “one less” in math. We did some activities that explored number sequences and practiced identifying the number before and after. We will continue to practice this concept using more difficult numbers. We will also begin to do some sorting and discussing various attributes of objects.

The Book Fair starts next week! You child brought home a preview flyer today. If you are interested in purchasing books for your child, our class will be visiting the Book Fair on Friday, October 26th. If you would like your child to make a book purchase with us at school, money can be sent to school on Friday, October 26th. Please make sure to send the money in a plastic bag with your child’s name on it. If you have any questions, please let me know.

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