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Week Four News

This week we focused on the letters “n” and “m”. We practiced identifying their sounds and writing the lowercase letters with the correct formation. We also spent time reviewing the letters and sounds we already learned. Students have started using their letter sound knowledge to identify the beginning sounds of words! Students also learned about the concept of “zero”. They were taught about zero as a placeholder and how the number represents the value of “none”. We have been practicing numeral writing as well.

We have started our science unit on trees! Students have been making “Tree Books” to document what they have done this unit. We began by going on a walk around the fields to observe tress and then discussed what we noticed. The next day, the class read a story about where trees can be found and learned some new vocabulary such as branches, crown, leaves, trunk, and roots. Students also went outside to draw accurate pictures of a tree. They will be making multiple drawing observations of this tree throughout the seasons to document the changes.

Students practiced how to write using the proper pencil grasp with Mrs. Kaplan on Tuesday. She explained “working fingers” to the students. “Working fingers” are the thumb, pointer, and middle fingers that work while we use our hands. This term was very help for the students. The students have been doing a great job. Next week Mrs. Kaplan will be focusing on scissor skills.

Please remember to sign up for conferences as soon as possible. Conferences start Wednesday, October 10th. They are not required, but are strongly encouraged. Please let me know if you need to schedule a different time to meet. The link to sign up is here:

Also, please remember to turn in your child’s permission slip for Shelburne Farm as soon as possible. I have extra copies; so let me know if you need another one.

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