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Week Three News

Kindergarteners learned about the letters t, b, and f this week! They practiced identifying the sounds and the proper handwriting for the lower case letters. This week students continued to practice their names using a capital at the beginning and lower case letters for the rest. Students have become very independent with this. It has been great to see their improvement!

In math we have been focusing on basic counting and number skills. This helps students to gain a strong base with math skills before we introduce more difficult concepts. We have also been practicing numeral writing. We will continue this over the next few weeks.

Janet Kaplan visited our classroom this week. She is an Occupational Therapist in Wayland Public Schools who travels to the kindergartens in the district to teach fine and gross motor activities. She will be visiting our classroom for six weeks to teach the students. This week’s focus was on learning the difference between their “left” and “right” hands. Students listened to songs and made handprint mats to help them learn the difference. It was a lot of fun!

Today the kindergartener met their third grade book buddies for the first time! Each child was partnered with one or two third grade students. The third graders came to our classroom with stories to read and handmade bookmarks for the kindergarteners. We will be meeting with our book buddies throughout the school year.

Next Friday, September 28th is Picture Day. Please remember to return your child’s picture envelope even if you are not buying a photo package.

Yesterday, a permission slip was sent home for a field trip to go apple picking. We will be traveling to Shelburne Farm in Stow on Wednesday, October 10th. All children need their permission slip to be returned to school by Friday, October 5th with a check for $14.00. Please let me know if you have any questions about this or if you need another permission slip.

Please remember to sign up for a conference time if you have not already. You can use the link here:

Have a great weekend!

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