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Kindergarten Update

Happy Friday!

It was wonderful to see most of you again at Curriculum Night. I hope any questions or concerns you had were answered and that you enjoyed seeing some of your child’s work.

This week was a busy week remembering and learning the classroom routines. Students also learned how to do stations. Each child is placed in groups of four or five students who rotate to four different activities around the classroom. These activities are independent activities that help to develop skills and also encourage students to interact with their peers in a more structured setting. Station activities help to develop independence as well as provide exploratory learning opportunities. Stations this week included first name tracing (using a capital for the first letter followed by all lowercase letters), building names using letter blocks, cutting and pasting various shapes, basic counting, and writing numerals. Tasks were followed by a play-based activity such as book browsing, building with blocks, sequencing or coloring to encourage playing with peers and practicing the proper use of materials. Students developed independence with station rotations very quickly! As the year progresses, stations will become even more subject based and will help to tailor learning to the various levels of each student.

I will be sending out a link to sign up for conferences through email. Conferences start Wednesday, October 10th. The scheduled conference days are all Wednesday afternoons. If you cannot find a time that works for you, please contact me through email and we can try to schedule a different time/day. Conferences are a parent only meeting so please try to arrange for childcare. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please do not hesitate to contact me. Use the following link to sign up for conferences:

Friday, September 28th, is Picture Day at Claypit Hill. Please mark this on your calendars.

Have a great weekend!

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