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February Vacation News!

Happy Vacation!

I write this post from my kitchen with a sleeping baby in the next room and a cup of coffee in hand. I still woke up at 6:00am when Judah was ready to party for the day, but I am enjoying being home with my family and relaxing thus far. I hope you all are enjoying family time and perhaps some fun travels!

February is flying by! We had a fun week with the anticipation of the 100th day of school and a fabulous Friday celebrating by counting to 100 in many ways! We did 100 exercises together, 10 each of 10 different kinds including jumping jacks, knee highs and arm stretches. Our book buddies visited us Friday the 8th to count our collections. We also learned Race to 100 in our math lesson and it has quickly become a favorite game. You can play at home with your child! All you need is a 1-100 chart and if you have a printer, you can find one on a Google search to print. After you have your chart, you just need two markers and a die. Partners take turns rolling the die and coloring in that many squares. The winner needs to land on 100 exactly. As a challenge you could use two dice and have your child add them together!

Last week we had a visit from Dr. Lilliana who is a dentist and friend of Senora Ponce in Room 103. We learned all about brushing our teeth and the importance of eating healthy foods! Our Valentine's Day celebration went well on Thursday! Thank you so much for your assistance in coordinating the creation and hand writing of the valentines.

Important Information about March 2019!

* Bird Feeders: In March the Kindergarten team does a STEAM project creating bird feeders! We are looking for recyclable materials for Room 105 that we will use collaboratively to create our bird feeders. Not every student needs all the materials on the list! We will be sharing with a partner and as a class.

If you are able and would like to donate materials, we will need:

- egg cartons

- toilet and paper towel tubes

- milk cartons, 1/2 gal.

- popsicle sticks: regular and wide

- pipe cleaners

- duct tape

- masking tape

- tacky glue

- string

* Conferences: Parent/Teacher Conferences are in March. I will be using Sign Up Genius to make appointments. Please email me directly if you have to change your conference within 24 hours so I can either plan for your absence or your conference. I will also be sending out a form via Google that we can use to ensure we talk about any questions or concerns you may have during our meeting.

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