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January 4th Weekly News!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful vacation and spent time as a family. I spent much of the time relaxing while my extended family gushed over my son who turned six months old! (I cannot believe how the time is flying!). I hope all of yours was restful.

This week's transition back to school was filled with excitement. Our new student was greeted so warmly, and I am proud of how responsible and kind the friends of Room 105 are to each other. We spent quality time reviewing expectations and directions. We learned about "Double D" behavior in Open Circle which stands for "Dangerous and Destructive." Students were able to share examples of how someone might be "Double D" at school and on the playground. This is language you can use at home, also!

On Thursday, Senora Davis' class came to visit us as well as Gabriel Baldwin who will be at Claypit on Thursdays throughout the school year teaching us about mindfulness. We practiced Five Finger Breathing and having calm quiet bodies. Let me know if you want more information on his role here, and I will provide what I can!

Please keep in mind that conferences are scheduled for March, and I will be sending a sign up link for that at the end of this month. However, if you would like to discuss anything with me in the next several weeks prior to conferences, I am always available to make an appointment with you! I'm happy to support you in whatever way I can.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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